How to Celebrate the National Holidays in Chile, September 18

by | Sep 15, 2018 | Chile | 2 comments

How to live a September 18th with dignity…national holidays chile

For those traveling to Chile during the month of September, they will have the chance to experience the National Holidays or “Fiestas Patrias”. Held every 18th and 19th of September is the time when Chile celebrates the first government meeting in 1810.

Friendly known as just “the 18″.

The National holidays in Chile usually includes several free days and lots of celebrations that basically means: lots of food and alcohol. So this is why I’m calling this article “How to Survive the National Holidays in Chile”.

This time also brings the opportunity to enjoy the traditional food of the country, although it is not very wide nor unique,  you have certain delicacies impossible to forget and that you should not miss during your visit to the country.

Marraquetas, Empanadas and Sea Food appears in all splendor through the Chilean tables.

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Among the options to experience this celebration, there are several possibilities. In any town or village, there are fairs of different sizes called “Fonda”, in which restaurants are organized in a traditional style, traditional music is played (not really traditional, cause lots of cumbia and others are played and not precisely ‘cueca’).

They organize games for kids and adults and especially: everything is around drinking.

As caution a good idea it is to avoid the crowds. It’s easy to be in the middle of fights or be subject to assaults without you noticing, mainly pickpocket.

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Unfortunately (or not), as I told you before, an important part of Chilean culture goes around alcohol when it comes to celebrations, therefore, take this into account, and drink and go around with caution, especially with sweet drinks, if you’re inexperienced, this can save you of having a really bad hangover next day.

If you wanna know some Funny Facts about Chilean food and Restaurants Click here

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During the National Holidays in Chile, there are several days of celebration that many look forward to, it is the time to share with their families or friends, and some particularly: for partying.

Fiestas Patrias in Chile also indicates the arrival of springtime, the end of cold days stuck at home and the start of the barbecue season!

Many family and friends gatherings go around a grill in Chile and higher temperatures make it perfect for it. The season it is also time for organizing some park meetings, picnics, and barbeques (Yeah! We love barbeques!).

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Chileans are recognized by how open and friendly they are to welcome foreigners, so it is not difficult to make new local friends to share the holidays.

A good advice you can take from this Chilean it is: Get ready to say ‘NO’ if you don’t want to drink more and if you really don’t want to you must be firm on that, because something that characterizes us it’s we are very insistent in offering drinks and food to guests and it is easy to get drunk with the massive amounts of sweet drinks that exist in our culture.

A glass of Terremoto -that means earthquake- is almost 400ml of white wine, so you will understand the consequences of drinking a glass of those in a few minutes (hence the reason of the name too).

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If you’re lucky enough to be in Chile during these days of September do not miss tasting the traditional dishes and drinks, which although not only can be enjoyed at this time of the year is when you can find them easily in the menus in almost any bar or restaurant.

It is a time when even those who are not so regulars to the traditions they want to be a little part of them.

If you wanna know in advance some of the biggest mistakes in Chilean Restaurants Click Here

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And if you arrived late to read these tips and you have one of those huge hangovers, this is the secret of Chileans for this: A visit to the Central Market and a Seafood Soup as we say can “Raise a dead”!



You planning to spend some time in Santiago? This is my list with some of my favorite places in the city, check it out!


Have you ever lived the National Holidays in Chile? How was your experience?


Updated September 2018
Gloria Apara

Gloria Apara

Writer | Digital Content Creator

I’m Gloria, the creator of Nomadic Chica, with a passion for Travel, Coffee, and Asian food.

Growing up in Santiago Chile and dreaming of travel and international exploration. I have set out my life to make my dreams come true.

Having traveled through Asia, Europe, and South America, for the last 20 years, I have a wealth of travel knowledge and experience to share. was created to inspire others to travel and empower solo female travels with knowledge.


  1. Probablemente tengo un sesgo por ser Chileno, pero he vivido las fiestas patrias en México y en Argentina, y he hablado del tema con cuanto latinoamericano he encontrado, y no hay nada como el 18. Es una locura colectiva gigantesca y nacional.

    • Totalmente de acuerdo! Me encanta tambien! ¿Como es vivir las Fiestas Patrias mexicanas o argentinas?


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