HEALTHY ON THE ROAD 30 Days With No Complaint Challenge

by | Nov 1, 2014 | Uncategorized | 2 comments

30 day no complaint challenge

To complaint it is a habit that apparently is inherent to us as human beings.

Very often it is much easier to complaint, blame the neighbor, family, the traffic, or any other reason rather than take responsibility and to recognize that we are not perfect, things are not effect, we are not as healthy as we could, or we are not making all the effort we can do.

When we criticize, it is probably we are doing it because we are unsatisfied or unhappy with something or someone. According to that, there are many people who live their life with an almost pathological critique ready to go at any moment. What many of us do not realize, is that people who act like that are spreading their unhappiness around them.

According to the OED a Complaint it is:
1. A statement of displeasure
2. A statement that a situation is unsatisfactory or unacceptable
3. The expression of dissatisfaction

Some people have the habit of complaining about everything they can at every time they can. They are more aware about what is missing or what could have been at many situations. This is a way to communicate discomfort but in the way they embitter life around them.

When deciding to not complain we are deciding to focus on the good things in life and making a way to multiply it. Not criticizing allows us to realize that something is wrong in our life and we must take care about that situation, instead of looking to find faults.ld in a pessimistic way and worst of all, to complain unload the blame on something or someone else , thinking that we’ll get rid of this responsibility.

Many esoteric currents have been telling that what we think and what we say are creating certain effects and therefore we should be very careful with it. So when there is something that keeps us away from happiness we have two paths to choose: to plunge the responsibility or to not assume it at all.

I belong to a particularly whiny culture (sadly not the only one). Chile is a society of complainers not whiling to give any solution to their complains: yes, Chileans we are haters. After coming back for visit after a year on the road, this was specially shocking to me and it took my attention more than ever before. I see it in my family, my friends, people on the bus, specially at social media…and in myself.

While being in Chile, I realize my thoughts are more easily becoming negative and I’m complaining more than when I’m off here. I do not like this attitude cause I know it’s not giving me anything positive and that complaining doesn’t help me or others.

For all this reasons, I decided to make this campaign to stay 30 days without complaining.

When looking for information about this, I found it was not so original idea (but not least positive) and that in 2006, Will Bowen suggested to his community a “21 Days Challenge” with the purpose of helping to eliminate any trace of complaint or lament and its harmful consequences for individuals.

His proposal was simple:

” You put a purple bracelet with the words A WORLD WITHOUT COMPLAINTS and hold for 21 days without making any complaint or criticism , so be it” I have a headache “or” nothing is going well for me . ”

If you complaint during this period , you must change the wrist bracelet and start again. Most participants overcame this challenge, but it took them at least five months, while evidence for the presence of the culture of complaint in our lives. Scientists say it takes 21 days to create a habit.

It will take 21 days to quit the complaint and form a new habit of gratitude. If you do not like something , change it. If you can not make it , change your attitude . Do not complain . You change the way you see things and change things so ” ..


That is why I have proposed a challenge that goes like this :


– Goal is to not complain for 30 days
– Count how many times a day you complain
– Observe when others complaints around you and not engage with them
– If a complaint comes to your mind , just say ‘thank you’ and think how to say the same in a more constructive way.  


Do you dare to do it too ? Tell me about your experience!


We have a Facebook group if you want to join and share your experience dealing with this Challenge everybody is welcome! 30 Days No Complaints Challenge

Gloria Apara

Gloria Apara

Writer | Digital Content Creator

I’m Gloria, the creator of Nomadic Chica, with a passion for Travel, Coffee, and Asian food.

Growing up in Santiago Chile and dreaming of travel and international exploration. I have set out my life to make my dreams come true.

Having traveled through Asia, Europe, and South America, for the last 20 years, I have a wealth of travel knowledge and experience to share. was created to inspire others to travel and empower solo female travels with knowledge.


  1. Really meaningful. What’s funny is that my mind was already arguing with me…trying to sort out what a complaint really is (as in, what can it get away with!). I’d love to try this myself. Cheers!

    • Thank yu very much Jill for your words. To me it really changed my life when I started doing this….more good things coming in your way if you allow them and are grateful for what you already have! Cheers!


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